Israel and Democracy- Time For Some Perspective

Rabbi Paul Plotkin
6 min readFeb 19, 2023


Is He A Danger To Democracy?

We have become used to many on the American left being critical of or even against the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. The origin of this goes back to 1967 and the six day war when Israel had the nerve to not be annihilated by the Arab world and suddenly changed from David to Goliath. The only exception to this were Zionist left leaning Jews who rejected the new left orthodoxy and remained loyal to the state of Israel.

Over the years there were increasing defections from that group and later a generation of younger Jews who grew up with a strong Israel and who never knew Israel as a David, and only saw Israel as a colonial Goliath oppressing a population they captured in a defensive war. Furthermore, they ignored that the Palestinians walked away from countless peace offers. It seemed any offer and any border changes were unacceptable to a Palestinian leadership that rejected the very existence of a Jewish State. Unfortunately that didn’t matter to those who had given up on Israel.

Now with the emergence of a very religious and very right-wing government; the defections or threat of defection by American Jews from Israel if it were to cease to be a democratic state, is rising.

Perhaps the most surprising and from my point of view most painful statement came from Abe Foxman the former director of the Anti-Defamation League. In December 2022 he said, “If Israel ceases to be an open democracy, I won’t be able to support it”.

It is time for some perspective.

Firstly, I disagree with almost everything this government wants to do. Trying to make Haredi Orthodoxy the only form of governmentally recognized Judaism is anathema to me. Changing the checks and balance of power between the legislative branch and the judiciary so that the legislature can overthrow any Supreme Court ruling by a simple plurality of the Knesset is a great danger to democracy. ( I say this notwithstanding that the Supreme Court has overreached over the years and needs to be modified). The appointment of 2 racist heads of parties to significant cabinet portfolios is abhorrent, but again, we need perspective.

Many Americans’ views of governments and democracy are American centric. They believe we have the best form of government. Ours is the true and ideal form of democracy. Anything found different from our system is a poor or defective democracy.


We revel in our separation of church and state. Can we imagine our democracy or any democracy without it?

Ask England.

The Queen is the head of the Church of England. Are they a true democracy?

In almost every democracy that I know of, Christmas is a federal holiday. Where is the separation?

In England, prior to 2009 the supreme court was a group of judges who formed the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords. The House of Lords began in the 1300’s. It only took about 700 years to get its full separation from the legislative branch.

Israel is about to be 75 years old.

Some claim that Israel is politicizing the Supreme Court by changing its rules about the Supreme Court so that Bibi can control the judiciary and put the kibosh on the charges against him that have been ongoing for years by the Attorney General. This attempt to limit the charging of politicians with corruption would allow for in this case a Prime Minister to be above the law and that would be the beginning of the end of democracy and how could any of us support such a country?

Has anyone arguing this missed the 6 years of President Trump in and out of office?

Israel’s Attorney General is appointed by the government to serve as its legal counsel. It is a politically neutral position and held in high esteem. “The Attorney General is regarded as the legal figure who is the foremost champion of the rule of law and guardian of the public interest”. The case against Bibi was brought by the Attorney General.

Does anyone remember Bill Barr and the Mueller report? Bill Barr and the appointment of John Durham as special counsel that led to 2 cases that he lost in court since there was no there, there?

Which country has a democracy problem?

Where are all the people who can no longer support the United States?

One of the changes Bibi wants to introduce is how the Supreme Court judges are selected. Different constituencies from the Knesset to the Israeli Bar association to sitting current Supreme Court judges sit on a committee to appoint nominees. The way the process works now is such that the sitting Supreme Judges can veto the rest of the committee’s choice. Bibi wants to readjust the representation on the appointment committee that will take that veto away and give the Knesset enough votes to assure their judges are appointed. This change, critics say will politicize the Supreme Court and make it subservient to the Knesset, and this also will challenge Israeli democracy.

So far in the United States when it comes to the attempted coup, our judiciary has held strong but is our Supreme Court apolitical?

A president who did not receive a majority of the popular vote was nevertheless elected President and with that non majority “mandate” appointed 3 Supreme Court judges who then, despite their under oath promises to not overthrow Roe v Wade, all voted to do so, disregarding the overwhelming desire of the majority of the population.

Is our Supreme Court apolitical?

Apparently not.

If not then is the United States a true democracy, and if not where are all the Americans and friends of America now stating they can no longer support the United States?

People are accusing Bibi of selling his soul and the good of the country so that he could form a government with him at the helm and thus try to save himself from going to jail. Is that a democracy?

Speaker Kevin McCarthy in a spectacle seen by the whole country took 15 votes and promised everything to a group of wingnuts who helped with the attempted coup. Is that a democracy?

How many of us said we can no longer support the US because it is a failed democracy.

Every democracy is different and some democracies can cease to be democracies when the elected officials use their elections to remove freedoms and rights from the people. Hitler after all was originally elected.

I dislike this Israeli government and I am concerned for the future, but it is the government I dislike not the country. I like America but I disliked passionately the previous administration. I see the weaknesses in all the systems, and I dislike many of them, because no system is perfect, but even more, I fear the divisiveness we have here in the United States and they have there in Israel.

Nevertheless even if the worst happens ( I think the most extreme positions will not happen. Remember most of Bibi’s Likud party are secular and don’t want religious coercion in their lives or the lives of their secular voters) there will be overreach and a political reaction that will change the face of the next government and undo some of the abuses of the current government. But even if there isn’t I will respect the will of the voters. It is their country not ours. And I will continue to support Israel for one more IMPORTANT factor.

There is no antisemitism in Israel! Terrorism yes, antisemitism no, and no regular mass casualties in Israel. In the US we are averaging one a day.

I will not abandon Israel because I may one day need her. This week 2 men were shot after leaving minyan services in Los Angeles. A fight broke out at a high school girl’ soccer match between my children’s alma matter and a Catholic school in Miami. The reason apparently were antisemitic comments made against the Jewish girls.

A recent study on antisemitism by the American Jewish Committee found that 89% thought antisemitism was a problem in the United States today. Shootings in San Diego, Pittsburgh, Kansas City and so many more are I believe just the beginning.

So, Abe Foxman and all those who are threatening to abandon Israel, there is no perfect democracy. Democracies are fluid, antisemitism is rigid and here to stay. I won’t abandon Israel and I hope if and when I need her, she won’t abandon me.

Do the math!

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Rabbi Paul Plotkin
Rabbi Paul Plotkin

Written by Rabbi Paul Plotkin

I am a retired Conservative Rabbi. I was a pulpit Rabbi for 40 years. I supervise a chain of kosher Delis called Ben's .

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